Thursday, September 26th
Today’s Scripture
“We all fail in many areas, but especially with our words. Yet if we’re able to bridle the words we say we are powerful enough to control ourselves in every way, and that means our character is mature and fully developed. Horses have bits and bridles in their mouths so that we can control and guide their large body. And the same with mighty ships, though they are massive and driven by fierce winds, yet they are steered by a tiny rudder at the direction of the person at the helm. And so the tongue is a small part of the body yet it carries great power! Just think of how a small flame can set a huge forest ablaze.”
James 3:2-5
Today’s Thought
Your words have power, whether you realize it or not. You must be aware of everything you say and that your words are affecting someone’s life around you. Always be cautious of what you say.
Today’s Confession
Father God, I thank you for helping me bridle my words. I'm aware that the words I speak are powerful enough to control my life, and to affect the lives of those around me. Thank you for guiding me and showing me how to speak life to my family, my friends, my business, and every situation in my life.