Wednesday, September 29th
Today’s Scripture
In their spiritual apathy they have become callous and past feeling and reckless and have abandoned themselves [a prey] to unbridled sensuality, eager and greedy to indulge in every form of impurity [that their depraved desires may suggest and demand]. But you did not so learn Christ! Assuming that you have really heard Him and been taught by Him, as [all] Truth is in Jesus [embodied and personified in Him], Strip yourselves of your former nature [put off and discard your old unrenewed self] which characterized your previous manner of life and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion; And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude], And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God's image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness.
Today’s Thought
When the Lord saves you, He gives you a clean mind; but if you let the devil contaminate it, you are in trouble. Treasure and protect the anointing of God so you will have no contamination in the mind; the anointing will protect you from contamination…
Today’s Confession
Father, thank you for helping me treasure the anointing so that my mind is not contaminated by the enemy. I take authority over every thought that rises against your truth and your Word. Thank you, Lord, for a sound, clear mind.