Wednesday, March 22nd
Today’s Scripture
“I was there, close to the Creator’s side as his master artist. Daily he was filled with delight in me, as I playfully rejoiced before him. I laughed and played, so happy with what he had made, while finding my delight in the children of men. “So listen, my sons and daughters, to everything I tell you, for nothing will bring you more joy than following my ways. Listen to my counsel, for my instruction will enlighten you. You’ll be wise not to ignore it. If you wait at wisdom’s doorway, longing to hear a word for every day, joy will break forth within you as you listen for what I’ll say.”
Proverbs 8:30-34
Today’s Thought
What you do daily is so important because it will create what you will become permanently! Remember, everything you're doing on a daily basis is creating your future! Daily decisions create the road for future success!
Today’s Confession
Lord, one of the most important things I do each day is to spend time with you. When I sit with you each day, your instructions guide me throughout my life. It helps me to set up and maintain a pattern of success for myself, my family, and everything else I put my hand to.