Day 11: Wednesday, January 15th

Today’s Topic: Freedom

Read Psalm 31:1-4 TPT: '1 trust you, Lord, to be my hiding place. Don't let me down. Don't let my enemies bring me to shame. Come and rescue me, for you are the only God who always does what is right. Rescue me quickly when I cry out to you. At the sound of my prayer may your ear be turned to me. Be my strong shelter and hiding place on high. Pull me into victory and breakthrough. For you are my high fortress, where l'm kept safe. You are to me a stronghold of salvation. When you deliver me out of this peril it will bring glory to your name. As you guide me forth I'll be kept safe from the hidden snares of the enemy-the secret traps that lie before me— for you have become my rock of strength.

Think about this: As you fast and pray you will find freedom from the things that have held you back. Maybe you have an addiction you have struggled with. Maybe there is a negative mindset that has held you captive. Maybe you have given in to the temptations you have faced instead of resisting them.

This Psalm tells us that God is our rock of strength, and that He will deliver us from the snares of the enemy. He will rescue us quickly when we ask Him to. He will be a place of safety and freedom.

If you have an area of your life that you haven't been able to find freedom in, don't hesitate. Call out to the Lord and ask Him for His help. Hold fast to His Word and declare that freedom is yours today. You will have victory in every area in Jesus' name!

Pray this prayer: Dear God, You are my safe place. You can free me from every evil trap of the enemy. Even though I have struggled in the past I am trusting you to give me freedom today. You are my Rock of Strength and I choose you. Deliver me, set me free, Hear my prayer!