Wednesday, April 26th

Today's Scripture

“Those who find true wisdom obtain the tools for understanding, the proper way to live, for they will have a fountain of blessing pouring into their lives. To gain the riches of wisdom is far greater than gaining the wealth of the world. As wisdom increases, a great treasure is imparted, greater than many bars of refined gold. It is a more valuable commodity than gold and gemstones, for there is nothing you desire that could compare to her. Wisdom extends to you long life in one hand and wealth and promotion in the other. Out of her mouth flows righteousness, and her words release both law and mercy. The ways of wisdom are sweet, always drawing you into the place of wholeness. Seeking for her brings the discovery of untold blessings, for she is the healing tree of life to those who taste her fruits. The Lord laid the earth’s foundations with wisdom’s blueprints. By his living-understanding all the universe came into being. By his divine revelation he broke open the hidden fountains of the deep, bringing secret springs to the surface as the mist of the night dripped down from heaven. My child, never drift off course from these two goals for your life: to walk in wisdom and to discover discernment. Don’t ever forget how they empower you.”         

Proverbs 3:13-21


Today’s Thought

Every single problem that arises in your life can be silenced with wisdom… God has given you the solution to everything you will face in life… Every problem is at its worst the first time you hear it… Find God’s wisdom and silence it. 

Today’s Confession

Lord, thank you that your Word imparts wisdom and understanding the more I meditate on it. In life, it’s always the initial onset of a problem which seems unsurmountable. When these trials arise, wisdom gives me peace, and clarity which shows me how to overcome the problem and subdue it.