Thursday, October 19th
Today’s Scripture
"Enough!" interrupted Samuel. "Let me tell you what GOD told me last night." Saul said, "Go ahead. Tell me." And Samuel told him. "When you started out in this, you were nothing. and you knew it. Then GOD put you at the head of Israel, made you king over Israel. Then GOD sent you off to do a job for him, ordering you, 'Go and put those sinners, the Amalekites, under a holy ban. Go to war against them until you have totally wiped them out.' So why did you not obey GOD? Why did you grab all this loot? Why, with GOD's eyes on you all the time, did you brazenly carry out this evil?" Saul defended himself. "What are you talking about? I did obey GOD. I did the job GOD set for me. I brought in King Agag and destroyed the Amalekites under the terms of the holy ban. So the soldiers saved back a few choice sheep and cattle from the holy ban for sacrifice to GOD at Gilgal, what's wrong with that?" Then Samuel said, Do you think all GOD wants are sacrifices, empty rituals just for show? He wants you to listen to him! Plain listening is the thing, not staging a lavish religious production. Not doing what GOD tells you is far worse than fooling around in the occult. Getting self-important around GOD is far worse than making deals with your dead ancestors. Because you said No to GOD's command, he says No to your kingship. Saul gave in and confessed, "I've sinned. I've trampled roughshod over GOD's Word and your instructions. I cared more about pleasing the people. I let them tell me what to do.
1 Samuel 15:16-24
Today’s Thought
Your greatness is trapped in your littleness… It’s almost impossible to see the tree within the seed, but it’s in there… Just as much as the potential to do what God has called you to do is inside of you.
Today’s Confession
Father, I thank you for all that you have placed inside of me. Thank you for the great purposes, plans, and pursuits that you have for me in my life. Help me to always remember the greatness you have given me as I live my life and unlock the full potential inside of me.