Thursday, August 22nd

Today’s Scripture

Your glory-kingdom, O God, endures forever, for you are enthroned to rule with a justice-scepter in your hand! You are passionate for righteousness and you hate lawlessness. This is why God, your God, crowns you with bliss above your fellow kings. He has anointed you, more than any other, with his oil of fervent joy, the very fragrance of heaven’s gladness. Your royal robes release the scent of suffering love for your bride; the odor of aromatic incense is upon you. From the pure and shining place, lovely music that makes you glad is played for your pleasure. The daughters of kings, women of honor, are maidens in your courts. And standing beside you, glistening in your pure and golden glory, is the beautiful bride-to-be! Now listen, daughter, pay attention, and forget about your past. Put behind you every attachment to the familiar, even those who once were close to you!

Psalm 45:6-10


Today’s Thought

Making peace with your past is the key to pressing into your future… The only thing the past is trying to do is rob time out of your future, so don’t allow it… Every minute the past is allowed to live in your future, it’s a time thief of today…


Today’s Confession

Father, I make peace with my past and refuse to allow it to rob time out of my future. Help me to not allow my past to live in my present or my future.