Tuesday, May 24th
Today’s Scripture
“I'll give you good shepherd-rulers who rule my way, who rule you with intelligence and wisdom. "And this is what will happen: You will increase and prosper in the land. The time will come"—GOD's Decree!—"when no one will say any longer, 'Oh, for the good old days! Remember the Ark of the Covenant?' It won't even occur to anyone to say it—'the good old days.' The so-called good old days of the Ark are gone for good. "Jerusalem will be the new Ark—'GOD's Throne.' All the godless nations, no longer stuck in the ruts of their evil ways, will gather there to honor GOD. "At that time, the House of Judah will join up with the House of Israel. Holding hands, they'll leave the north country and come to the land I willed to your ancestors. "I planned what I'd say if you returned to me: 'Good! I'll bring you back into the family. I'll give you choice land, land that the godless nations would die for.' And I imagined that you would say, 'Dear father!' and would never again go off and leave me.”
Jeremiah 3:15-19
Today’s Thought
You're going to have to reap your harvest after your seed has been planted. It’s your job to reap your harvest with your faith and follow God’s direction for increase.
Today’s Confession
Father, thank you for your guidance in my life. As I sow seeds and reap harvests, help me to always walk in faith to receive everything that you have promised me. Continue to lead me and guide me as I pursue everything you have for me.