Thursday, March 24th

Today’s Scripture
“Faith provided a way of escape for Rahab the prostitute, avoiding the destruction of the unbelievers, because she received the Hebrew spies in peace. And what more could I say to convince you? For there is not enough time to tell you of the faith of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets. Through faith’s power they conquered kingdoms and established true justice. Their faith fastened onto their promises and pulled them into reality! It was faith that shut the mouth of lions, put out the power of raging fire, and caused many to escape certain death by the sword. In their weakness their faith imparted power to make them strong! Faith sparked courage within them and they became mighty warriors in battle, pulling armies from another realm into battle array.” Hebrews 11:31-34

Today’s Thought
Faith is more than an obtainer of promises, it is the key to unlock ALL of God's supernatural provision in ALL areas of your life.

Today’s Confession
Father God, thank you for the revelation within me that my faith is the key to unlock all of your supernatural provisions in all areas of my life. My faith is more than an obtainer of promises, your Word says that faith is the only thing that pleases you, and that's my heart’s desire, to please you and praise your name forevermore.