Wednesday, May 29th
Today’s Scripture
“I trust you, Lord, to be my hiding place. Don’t let me down. Don’t let my enemies bring me to shame. Come and rescue me, for you are the only God who always does what is right. Rescue me quickly when I cry out to you. At the sound of my prayer may your ear be turned to me. Be my strong shelter and hiding place on high. Pull me into victory and breakthrough. For you are my high fortress, where I’m kept safe. You are to me a stronghold of salvation. When you deliver me out of this peril, it will bring glory to your name. As you guide me forth I’ll be kept safe from the hidden snares of the enemy, the secret traps that lie before me, for you have become my rock of strength.”
Psalm 31:1-3
Today’s Thought
God is always on your side no matter what you're facing…Victory and breakthroughs are always where God is leading you so remember even when it doesn’t look like it’s working it is…The facts of faith is that we always win no matter what things look like.
Today’s Confession
Thank you, Lord, for always being on my side. Thank you for leading me to victory and breakthrough in every area. Help me to trust in you more and know that no matter what it looks like, my faith will always win.