Friday, March 22nd
Today’s Scripture
“This is why you must stay alert: because no one knows the day your Lord will come. But realize this: If a homeowner had known what time of night the burglar would come to rob his house, he would have been alert and ready, and not let his house be robbed. So always be ready, alert, and prepared, because at an hour when you’re not expecting him, the Son of Man will come. Who is the one qualified to oversee the master’s house? He will be a reliable servant who is wise and faithful, one he can depend on. The master will want to give him the responsibility of overseeing others in his house, for his servant will lead them well and give them food at the right time. What joy and blessing will come to that faithful servant when the master comes home to find him serving with excellence! I can promise you, the master will raise him up and put him in charge of all that he owns. But the evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master delays his coming, and who knows when he will return?’ And because of the delay, the servant mistreats those in his master’s household. Instead of caring for the ones he was appointed to serve, he abuses the other servants and gives himself over to eating and drinking with drunkards. “Let me tell you what will happen to him. His master will suddenly return at a time that surprises him, and he will remove the abusive, selfish servant from his position of trust. And the master will cut him in two and assign him to the place of great sorrow and anguish along with all the other pretenders and unbelievers.”
Matthew 24:42-51
Today’s Thought
Excellence will always require pursuit, and it will cost you to achieve it… Always remember, the rewards of excellence will last a lifetime, so pursue it with all your might… Your excellence will always make you recognized around the common.
Today’s Confession
Excellence is my lifetime pursuit; it's a process I pursue diligently… Excellence will always cost me something to achieve it, and in the process will take me to the next level… Excellence will always be noticed and will lift me above those who do not seek it. Thank you, Lord, for helping me to be more excellent every single day.