Thursday, July 13th
Today's Scripture
“Yet I know that the Holy Spirit warns me in town after town, saying, ‘Chains and afflictions are prepared for you.’ “But whether I live or die is not important, for I don’t esteem my life as indispensable. It’s more important for me to fulfill my destiny and to finish the ministry my Lord Jesus has assigned to me, which is to faithfully preach the wonderful news of God’s grace. I’ve been a part of your lives and shared with you many times the message of God’s kingdom realm. But now I leave you, and you will not see my face again. If any of you should be lost, I will not be blamed, for my conscience is clean, because I’ve taught you everything I could about God’s eternal plan and I’ve held nothing back. So guard your hearts. Be true shepherds over all the flock and feed them well. Remember, it was the Holy Spirit who appointed you to guard and oversee the churches that belong to Jesus, the Anointed One, which he purchased and established by his own blood. “I know that after I leave, imposters who have no loyalty to the flock will come among you like savage wolves. Even some from among your very own ranks will rise up, twisting the truth to seduce people into following them instead of Jesus. So be alert and discerning. Remember that for three years, night and day, I’ve never stopped warning each of you, pouring out my heart to you with tears.”
Acts 20:23-31
Today’s Thought
Take time to pour into the lives of the people around you… Make every moment count with the people you’re assigned to, remembering that the truth that you have received from Jesus is the hope of the world for everyone… Share it and your life with those around you.
Today’s Confession
Father God, thank you for all of the special people you have placed in my life. Our times of sharing and fellowship always brings us to your love and grace. We pour into each other like a drink offering, always satisfying and exactly where needed. Your Word is truth and it draws people like a magnet, to receive the Word you planted in me for them.