Friday, April 22nd
Today’s Scripture
“May God give you every desire of your heart and carry out your every plan as you go to battle. When you succeed, we will celebrate and shout for joy. Flags will fly when victory is yours! Yes, God will answer your prayers and we will praise him! I know God gives me all that I ask for and brings victory to his anointed king. My deliverance cry will be heard in his holy heaven. By his mighty hand miracles will manifest through his saving strength. Some find their strength in their weapons and wisdom, but my miracle deliverance can never be won by men. Our boast is in the Lord our God, who makes us strong and gives us victory! Our enemies will not prevail; they will only collapse and perish in defeat while we will rise up, full of courage. Give victory to our king, O God! The day we call on you, give us your answer!”
Psalm 20:4-9
Today’s Thought
From a biblical perspective and from the Hebrew point of view, wisdom is about decision-making. One can be the world’s greatest scholar, even in the Bible, and still be an utter fool. It is about what is right, righteous, good, and holy.
Today’s Confession
Lord, I thank you for your wisdom when I need to make decisions in my life. I will always choose your Word for all of my plans, and pursuits, both personal and in business, knowing that your words are filled with life, righteousness, and that they are holy.