Monday, August 29th

Today’s Scripture
“Travel light, and don’t even pack an extra change of clothes in your backpack. Trust God for everything, because the one who works for him deserves to be provided for.“Whatever village or town you enter, search for a godly man who will let you into his home until you leave for the next town. Once you enter a house, speak to the family there and say, ‘God’s blessing of peace be upon this house!’ And if those living there welcome you, let your peace come upon the house. But if you are rejected, that blessing of peace will come back upon you. And if anyone doesn’t listen to you and rejects your message, when you leave that house or town, shake the dust off your feet as a prophetic act that you will not take their defilement with you. Mark my words, on the day of judgment the wicked people who lived in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah will have a lesser degree of judgment than the city that rejects you, for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah did not have the opportunity that was given to them!”
Matthew 10:10-15

Today’s Thought
Peace must be your desire in every area of your life. Attack anything that doesn’t produce peace in your life. Be a peace producer with the people around you. It makes a great difference in the lives of others.

Today’s Confession
Lord, today I will be at peace with myself and with those I meet. If anything should try to take peace away from me, I will come against it with the Word of God, and continue to walk in my God given peace. This peace is a benefit for myself and for others. Thank you Lord for your peace that passes all understanding.