Tuesday, September 14th

Today’s Scripture
“Who is there among you who is wise and intelligent? Then let him by his noble living show forth his [good] works with the [unobtrusive] humility [which is the proper attribute] of true wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy (envy) and contention (rivalry, selfish ambition) in your hearts, do not pride yourselves on it and thus be in defiance of and false to the Truth. This [superficial] wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual (animal), even devilish (demoniacal). For wherever there is jealousy (envy) and contention (rivalry and selfish ambition), there will also be confusion (unrest, disharmony, rebellion) and all sorts of evil and vile practices.”
James 3:13-16

Today's Thought
Jealousy is an evil door that should never be opened. Some people carry jealousy on them and the only way to remove it is to remove them from your life.

Today’s Confession
Thank you, Lord, for guarding my heart against jealousy. I thank you for the grace to avoid envy and for the wisdom and strength to be around the right people. Thank you for leading me in all things. I love you, Jesus!