Friday, August 26th

Today’s Scripture
“I can almost hear someone saying, “How can the dead come back to life? And what kind of body will they have when they are resurrected?” Foolish man! Don’t you know that what you sow in the ground doesn’t germinate unless it dies? And what you sow is not the body that will come into being, but the bare seed. And it’s hard to tell whether it’s wheat or some other seed. But when it dies, God gives it a new form, a body to fulfill his purpose, and he sees to it that each seed gets a new body of its own and becomes the plant he designed it to be. All flesh is not identical. Animals have one flesh and human beings another. Birds have their distinct flesh and fish another. In the same way there are earthly bodies and heavenly bodies. There is a splendor of the celestial body and a different one for the earthly.”
1 Corinthians 15:35-40

Today’s Scripture
Never forget the principles and power of a seed, it has the ability to change the world you live in.
A harvest in my hand can easily become a seed too, and it happens as quickly as I can rename it. The moment you rename what you have and call it a seed, you transform it.

Today’s Confession
Lord, thank you for the power and principles of a seed. Help me to continue to reap my harvest, and in doing so, separate some of it into seed to be sown, so that it will continue to go forth and grow and produce more harvests in the future.