Friday, September 13th

Today’s Scripture

“To humbly receive wise correction adorns your life with beauty and makes you a better person.  A reliable, trustworthy messenger refreshes the heart of his master, like a gentle breeze blowing at harvest time, cooling the sweat from his brow.  Clouds that carry no water and a wind that brings no refreshing rain, that’s what you’re like when you boast of a gift that you don’t have.  Use patience and kindness  For your gentle wisdom will quell the strongest resistance when you want to persuade leaders and watch them change their minds right in front of you.”                 

Proverbs 25:12-15

Today’s Thought

Patience and kindness are great persuaders when it comes to others. Remember that if you remain patient and walk in kindness, the power of persuasion will be at work in the lives of those around you!

Today’s Confession

Lord, thank you for helping me to be patient and kind to those around me. Your wise and gentle wisdom will stop the strongest resistance when persuading others. I will patiently wait and watch as they change their minds right in front of me.