Wednesday, December 29th

Today’s Scripture
“I am shocked over how quickly you have strayed away from the Anointed One who called you to himself by his loving mercy. I’m frankly astounded that you now embrace a distorted gospel! That is a fake “gospel” that is simply not true. There is only one gospel—the gospel of the Messiah! Yet you have allowed those who mingle law with grace to confuse you with lies. Anyone who comes to you with a different message than the grace gospel that you have received will have the curse of God come upon them! For even if we or an angel appeared before you, to give you a different gospel than what we have already proclaimed, God’s curse will be upon them. I will make it clear: Anyone, no matter who they are, that brings you a different gospel than the grace gospel that you have received, let them be condemned and cursed! I’m obviously not trying to flatter you or water down my message to be popular with men, but my supreme passion is to please God. For if all I attempt to do is please people, I would not be the true servant of the Messiah.” Galatians 1:6-10

Today’s Thought
Jesus said the real gospel is the gospel of grace. Because grace is the power of God in you, empowering you each and every day, to do what you could not do on your own,

Today’s Confession
Lord, thank you for your gospel of grace. I will not allow any other person or gospel to influence or confuse me. I will only embrace the true gospel of Jesus, the gospel of grace.