Monday, October 25th

Today’s Scripture
“They forgot God, their very own Savior, who turned things around in Egypt, who created a world of wonders in the Land of Ham, who gave that stunning performance at the Red Sea. Fed up, God decided to get rid of them, and except for Moses, his chosen, he would have. But Moses stood in the gap and deflected God's anger, he prevented it from destroying them utterly. They went on to reject the Blessed Land, and didn't believe a word of what God promised. They found fault with the life they had and turned a deaf ear to GOD's voice. Exasperated, God swore that he'd lay them low in the desert,”
Psalms 106:21-26

Today's Thought
One of the keys to leadership is about standing in the gap for a generation of non-listeners. Don’t get discouraged by the fact that everyone around you isn’t as excited about the journey as you are.

Today's Confession
Lord, help me to stay focused and not forget the world of wonders that you have created. Help me to stand in the gap for those who don’t believe a word of what you promised, and those who find fault with the life they had. Leadership means standing in the gap and praying for those who don’t listen. Not everyone around me will be as excited as I am about the journey we’re on.