Friday, April 20th

Today’s Scripture

“So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that's where the action is. See things from his perspective. Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life, even though invisible to spectators, is with Christ in God. He is your life. When Christ (your real life, remember) shows up again on this earth, you'll show up too, the real you, the glorious you. Meanwhile, be content with obscurity, like Christ. And that means killing off everything connected with that way of death: sexual promiscuity, impurity, lust, doing whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it, and grabbing whatever attracts your fancy. That's a life shaped by things and feelings instead of by God. It's because of this kind of thing that God is about to explode in anger. It wasn't long ago that you were doing all that stuff and not knowing any better. But you know better now, so make sure it's all gone for good: bad temper, irritability, meanness, profanity, dirty talk. Don't lie to one another. You're done with that old life. It's like a filthy set of ill-fitting clothes you've stripped off and put in the fire. Now you're dressed in a new wardrobe. Every item of your new way of life is custom-made by the Creator, with his label on it. All the old fashions are now obsolete.”  Colossians 3:1-10

Today’s Thought

Force yourself to keep your mind off of unhealthy distractions… Worry produces the lows of life diverting attention away from the Lord... Focus on God and His Word and have a fresh start overcoming distractions, and feelings of being disconnected from God. 

Today’s Confession

Father God, when I awake help me to speak your Word before I open my eyes… When I get out of bed help me to focus on your goodness, love, and faithfulness before I begin my day… Keeping my mind stayed on you will keep worry and negativity from separating me from you, daily I will praise your name.