Thursday, September 22nd

Today’s Scripture
“But the one who had his debt forgiven stubbornly refused to forgive what was owed him. He had his fellow servant thrown into prison and demanded he remain there until he repaid the debt in full. “When his associates saw what was going on, they were outraged and went to the king and told him the whole story. The king said to him, ‘You scoundrel! Is this the way you respond to my mercy? Because you begged me, I forgave you the massive debt that you owed me. Why didn’t you show the same mercy to your fellow servant that I showed to you?’ In a fury of anger, the king turned him over to the prison guards to be tortured until all his debt was repaid. In this same way, my heavenly Father will deal with any of you if you do not release forgiveness from your heart toward your fellow believer.”
Matthew 18:30-35

Today’s Thought
The longevity of every relationship is totally discovered in the willingness of both parties to forgive. If forgiveness is not at the center of your relationships they probably won’t last very long.

Today’s Confession
Lord, thank you for your mercy, and forgiveness that you have shown me when I stumble in sin. Help me to have an open heart and willingness to forgive those who I have a relationship with. Help me to be willing to love and forgive, anything I preserve to be wrong, which they have done against me.