Thursday, December 26th

Today’s Scripture

“The old system of living under the law presented us with only a faint shadow, a crude outline of the reality of the wonderful blessings to come. Even with its steady stream of sacrifices offered year after year, there still was nothing that could make our hearts perfect before God. For if animal sacrifices could once and for all eliminate sin, they would have ceased to be offered and the worshipers would have clean consciences. Instead, once was not enough so by the repetitive sacrifices year after year, the worshipers were continually reminded of their sins, with their hearts still impure. For what power does the blood of bulls and goats have to remove sin’s guilt? So when Jesus the Messiah came into the world he said, “Since your ultimate desire was not another animal sacrifice, you have clothed me with a body that I might offer myself instead!”                   

Hebrews 10:1-5


Today’s Thought

One of the reasons we have a body is so we can sacrifice it unto God. We must understand our responsibility to be a living sacrifice to produce true transformation. Jesus' sacrifice once and for all has given us the power to overcome our carnality once and forever.


Today’s Confession

Father, thank you for the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, who came to fulfill the law and remove my guilt. I recognize that my body is a vessel for Your purposes, and I commit to being a living sacrifice for you. Help me to embrace true transformation in my life, overcoming my weaknesses and walking in the power of Your grace. May I honor You with every part of my being and reflect Your love and truth to those around me.