Friday, May 19th

Today’s Scripture 

“From Paul, Silas, and Timothy. We send our greetings to you, the Thessalonian congregation of believers, which is in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. May God’s delightful grace and peace rest upon you. We feel a personal responsibility to continually be thanking God for you, our spiritual family, every time we pray. And we have every reason to do so because your faith is growing marvelously beyond measure. The unselfish love each of you share for one another is increasing and overflowing! We point to you as an example of unwavering faith for all the churches of God. We boast about how you continue to demonstrate unflinching endurance through all the persecutions and painful trials you are experiencing. All of this proves that God’s judgment is always perfect and is intended to make you worthy of inheriting the kingdom of God, which is why you are going through these troubles. It is right and just for God to trouble your troublers and give rest to the troubled, both to you and to us, at the unveiling of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his messengers of power within a flame of fire. He will bring perfect and full justice to those who don’t know God and those who refuse to embrace the gospel of our Lord Jesus.”  

2 Thessalonians 1:1-8


Today’s Thought

Your faith in Jesus Christ should be your boast and His ability to give you grace… We are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might… Our ability to be strong is founded in our ability to stay connected to Christ.


Today’s Confession

Lord, thank you for the Word and your grace. I have strength to walk through life because you are in me guiding and encouraging me. My faith in you gives me the courage to obey your instructions, and to go where you lead me. When I miss the mark your grace gives me the resolve to get back up to continue toward the goal.