Friday, September 22nd
Today’s Scripture
“Now, even though I am free from obligations to others, I joyfully make myself a servant to all in order to win as many converts as possible. I became Jewish to the Jewish people in order to win them to the Messiah. I became like one under the law to gain the people who were stuck under the law, even though I myself am not under the law. And to those who are without the Jewish laws, I became like them, as one without the Jewish laws, in order to win them, although I’m not outside the law of God but under the law of Christ. I became “weak” to the weak to win the weak. I have adapted to the culture of every place I’ve gone so that I could more easily win people to Christ. I’ve done all this so that I would become God’s partner for the sake of the gospel. Isn’t it obvious that all runners on the racetrack keep on running to win, but only one receives the victor’s prize? Yet each one of you must run the race to be victorious. A true athlete will be disciplined in every respect, practicing constant self-control in order to win a laurel wreath that quickly withers. But we run our race to win a victor’s crown that will last forever. For that reason, I don’t run just for exercise or box like one throwing aimless punches, but I train like a champion athlete. I subdue my body and get it under my control, so that after preaching the good news to others I myself won’t be disqualified.”
1 Corinthians 9:19-27
Today’s Thought
Train like a champion every day and push through every obstacle that may arise… Run with patience and determination, focus on disciplining your body, and walk in self-control… Always remember, you're running for a crown that will last forever.
Today’s Confession
Lord, everyday I will run the race set before me… Patience, strength of will, and stamina will propel me through the hard places… Obstacles in life will not hold me back… I am a champion and will succeed in obtaining the prize at the end of my race.