Thursday, July 28th

Today’s Scripture
“Lord, I’m left speechless and I have no excuse, so I’ll not complain any longer. Now I know you’re the one who is behind it all. But I can’t take it much longer. Spare me these blows from your discipline-rod. For if you are against me, I will waste away to nothing. No one endures when you rebuke and discipline us for our sins. Like a cobweb is swept away with a wave of the hand, you sweep away all that we once called dear. How fleeting and frail our lives! We’re nothing more than a puff of air. Pause in his presence Lord, listen to all my tender cries. Read my every tear, like liquid words that plead for your help. I feel all alone at times, like a stranger to you, passing through this life just like all those before me. Don’t let me die without restoring joy and gladness to my soul. May your frown over my failure become a smile over my success.”
Psalms 39:9-13

Today’s Thought
No matter what, in every season of your life, God is listening to you and helping you overcome. At your greatest point of pressure, remember God’s not the one behind it. Read my tears like liquid words for your help.

Today’s Confession
Lord, I know that throughout my life, in every season, you hear my prayers. When the enemy brings me to the breaking point, I know you hear my heart cry. You are my God, my strength and I know you will help me through trials causing me to triumph.