Friday, March 31st
Today’s Scripture
“You say, “Under grace there are no rules and we’re free to do anything we please.” Not exactly. Because not everything promotes growth in others. Your slogan, “We’re allowed to do anything we choose,” may be true, but not everything causes the spiritual advancement of others. So don’t always seek what is best for you at the expense of another. Yes, you are free to eat anything without worrying about your conscience, for the earth and all its abundance belongs to the Lord. So if an unbeliever invites you to dinner, go ahead and eat whatever is served, without asking questions concerning where it came from. But if he goes out of his way to inform you that the meat was actually an offering sacrificed to idols, then you should pass, not only for his sake but because of his conscience. I’m talking about someone else’s conscience, not yours. What good is there in doing what you please if it’s condemned by someone else? So if I voluntarily participate, why should I be judged for celebrating my freedom? Whether you eat or drink, live your life in a way that glorifies and honors God.”
1 Corinthians 10:23-31
Today’s Thought
Our daily sacrifice and dedication to the things of God, is what produces the inward renewal of the mind. Through that process, the inner spirit of man is changed into the likeness of Christ. There is no other way to produce spiritual growth, so embrace the process and develop.
Today’s Confession
Holy Spirit, thank you for your help and being with me every day. Some days are harder than others to follow after the things of God. Thank you for daily reminders to pray in the Spirit and reading scripture. Most of all thank you for the love, guidance, and patience you have with me as I grow in my spiritual walk with God.