Friday, November 19th
Today’s Scripture
“Write the following to the messenger of the congregation in Ephesus. For these are the words of the one who holds the seven stars firmly in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands: I know all that you’ve done for me—you have worked hard and persevered. I know that you don’t tolerate evil. You have tested those who claimed to be apostles and proved they are not, for they were imposters. I also know how you have bravely endured trials and persecutions because of my name, yet you have not become discouraged. e this against you: you have abandoned the passionate love you had for me at the beginning. Think about how far you have fallen! Repent and do the works of love you did at first. I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place of influence if you do not repent.”
Revelation 2:1-5
Today’s Thought
When things are not working out as good as they should, be quick to check up on your posture, and in your position in love. Everything works by love.
Today’s Confession
Thank you, Father, for revealing areas where I’m not walking in love. Thank you for showing me how to posture my heart better and accomplish everything I need and want to in life. Thank you for giving me a greater revelation of your love so that I can love others better.