Wednesday, June 28th

Today’s Scripture

“In order to honor the Lord, you must respect and defer to the authority of every human institution, whether it be the highest ruler or the governors he puts in place to punish lawbreakers and to praise those who do what’s right. For it is God’s will for you to silence the ignorance of foolish people by doing what is right. As God’s loving servants, you should live in complete freedom, but never use your freedom as a cover-up for evil. Recognize the value of every person and continually show love to every believer. Live your lives with great reverence and in holy awe of God. Honor your rulers. Those who are servants, submit to the authority of those who are your masters, not only to those who are kind and gentle but even to those who are hard and difficult. You find God’s favor by deciding to please God even when you endure hardships because of unjust suffering. For what merit is it to endure mistreatment for wrongdoing? Yet if you are mistreated when you do what is right, and you faithfully endure it, this is commendable before God. In fact, you were called to live this way, because Christ also suffered in your place, leaving you his example for you to follow. He never sinned and he never spoke deceitfully. When he was verbally abused, he did not return with an insult; when he suffered, he would not threaten retaliation. Jesus faithfully entrusted himself into the hands of God, who judges righteously.”

1 Peter 2:13-23

Today’s Thought

We are all going to have to walk through this life being mistreated sometimes… Jesus said it would be so… Remembering these words will make sure we don’t waste the opportunity to do what’s right and be faithful to endure.

Today’s Confession

Lord, Your Word says we will have trouble in this world, just like you did. So Lord, I ask that you help me get through the obstacles in life, graciously. Help me make sure I behave in a manner that’s pleasing to you, and that I learn something positive through it.