Monday, January 16th
Today’s Scripture
“In his shelter in the day of trouble, that’s where you’ll find me, for he hides me there in his holiness. He has smuggled me into his secret place, where I’m kept safe and secure, out of reach from all my enemies. Triumphant now, I’ll bring him my offerings of praise, singing and shouting with ecstatic joy! Yes, listen and you can hear the fanfare of my shouts of praise to the Lord! God, hear my cry. Show me your grace. Show me mercy, and send the help I need! Lord, when you said to me, “Seek my face,” my inner being responded, “I’m seeking your face with all my heart.” So don’t hide yourself, Lord, when I come to find you. You’re the God of my salvation; how can you reject your servant in anger? You’ve been my only hope, so don’t forsake me now when I need you! My father and mother abandoned me. I’m like an orphan! But you took me in and made me yours. Now teach me all about your ways and tell me what to do. Make it clear for me to understand, for I am surrounded by waiting enemies. Don’t let them defeat me, Lord. You can’t let me fall into their clutches! They keep accusing me of things I’ve never done while they plot evil against me. Yet I totally trust you to rescue me one more time, so that I can see once again how good you are while I’m still alive! Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting, for he will never disappoint you!”
Psalms 27:5-14
Today’s Thought
Your pursuit of God should never be based on the circumstances of life. Stay in constant pursuit of God in every season of your life. You're going to have setbacks in life but God is never going to leave you there. He will not disappoint you; He will reveal his presence in your life at the perfect moment.
Today’s Confession
Father God, I pursue you always, no matter the situation I find myself in. I pursue you in every season of my life, because I know you never leave me. You never disappoint or turn away from me. In my heart I know you will reveal yourself to me, in your perfect timing.