Thursday, March 21st

Today’s Scripture

“God has given me grace to speak a warning about pride. I would ask each of you to be emptied of self-promotion and not create a false image of your importance. Instead, honestly assess your worth by using your God-given faith as the standard of measurement, and then you will see your true value with an appropriate self-esteem. In the human body there are many parts and organs, each with a unique function. And so it is in the body of Christ. For though we are many, we’ve all been mingled into one body in Christ. This means that we are all vitally joined to one another, with each contributing to the others. God’s marvelous grace imparts to each one of us varying gifts and ministries that are uniquely ours. So if God has given you the grace-gift of prophecy, you must activate your gift by using the proportion of faith you have to prophesy. If your grace-gift is serving, then thrive in serving others well. If you have the grace-gift of teaching, then be actively teaching and training others. If you have the grace-gift of encouragement, then use it often to encourage others. If you have the grace-gift of giving to meet the needs of others, then may you prosper in your generosity without any fanfare. If you have the gift of leadership, be passionate about your leadership. And if you have the gift of showing compassion, then flourish in your cheerful display of compassion.”     

Romans 12:3-8

Today’s Thought 

Because of God we must value self because He Is living in you… Self-value will rid you of all jealousy because you will never again want to be anyone else… Self-value will wipe out inferiority because you are in God's class of being… It will eliminate fear of failure or defeat because nothing can stop you and God working together. It will give you courage because you discover that with God at work in you, It will cause you to stand up tall, to square your shoulders, to look out into the future with new confidence, to walk with a steady stride, and to rise to the level of the importance for which God created you.

Today’s Confession

Lord, I value self because God is living in me… When I realize that God is in me, I am confident, there is no jealousy, no inferiority, no failure or defeat… I have courage to move forward into my future because I know what God has created me for and there is nothing I can’t do with my God leading and guiding me.