Tuesday, January 31st

Today’s Scripture

“As he was walking by the shore of Lake Galilee, Jesus noticed two fishermen who were brothers. One was nicknamed Keefa (later called Peter), and the other was Andrew, his brother. Watching as they were casting their nets into the water, Jesus called out to them and said, “Come and follow me, and I will transform you into men who catch people for God.” Immediately they dropped their nets and left everything behind to follow Jesus. Leaving there, Jesus found three other men sitting in a boat, mending their nets. Two were brothers, Jacob and John, and they were with their father, Zebedee. Jesus called Jacob and John to his side and said to them, “Come and follow Me.” And at once they left their boat and their father, and began to follow Jesus.”               

Matthew 4:18-22


Today’s Thought

The same men that were mending nets have now been called to mend people's lives. Remembering the broken seasons of your life, and the feelings that went with them has now qualified you to become a master mender in the lives of others.

Today’s Confession

Jesus, when I was lost I had some difficult seasons to live through. Now that I’m yours, and have spent time in Your Word, I see the mistakes I made. If there are others who are going through difficult times, use me to help them navigate their way through it. Lead me and show me who and how I can help.