Monday, January 23rd

Today’s Scripture

“After this, the Lord Jesus formed thirty-five teams among the other disciples. Each team had two disciples, seventy in all, and he commissioned them to go ahead of him into every town he was about to visit. He released them with these instructions: “The harvest is huge and ripe. But there are not enough harvesters to bring it all in. As you go, plead with the Owner of the Harvest to drive out into his harvest fields many more workers. Now, off you go! I am sending you out even though you feel as vulnerable as lambs going into a pack of wolves. You won’t need to take anything with you, trust in God alone. And don’t get distracted from my purpose by anyone you might meet along the way. “Once you enter a house, speak to the people there and say, ‘God’s blessing of peace be upon this house!’ If a lover of peace resides there, your peace will rest upon that household. But if you are rejected, your blessing of peace will come back upon you.”    

Luke 10:1-6


Today’s Thought

Distraction comes to you when you compromise your beliefs. Jesus needs to be the filter that keeps distraction out of your life. The things of the world become easy to overcome when you give yourself to the things of God.

Today’s Confession

Lord God, I have purposed in my heart never to compromise or allow doubt into my beliefs. I will meditate upon situations and issues through the Word of God to see the Truth clearly. When my mind is stayed on God and His Word, there is nothing in this world that can cause doubt in my life.